Bit of a black sheep in my record collection. Outside of Cult Ritual and the band in this post, this kind of rehashed, old-school raw hardcore style isn't one that I got into that hard. Bands like Creem, Cülo, Gas Rag, Lotus Fucker, etc. It's all just a little too rudimentary for me at this point, and the amount of hype that follows many of these acts astounds me. It's like the "learn three chords and start a band" saying from the old days has been taken to heart again, and I guess people can't get enough of it. But I digress, with all that being said, Vile Gash is a band I've liked listening too for a while. I picked this up earlier in the year in Rochester. The "Deluded" EP, red vinyl, 45 RPM.

Brought to us by the kings of coolboy hardcore, Youth Attack, This record is a gorgeous package. Thick, sturdy, fully printed glued sleeve, super grim artwork, and beautiful red vinyl. It's undeniably impressive stuff, especially for a record that barely goes past three minutes over each side. The brevity isn't really a big deal for me, but I do wish it was at least single-sided. The tracks are good, for this kind of hardcore anyway. Nice and angry, with a solid vocalist and Japanese hardcore injected jams.
Punks is aesthetics.
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