
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Sedem Minut Strachu Promo 2015

The amazingly awesome Sedem Minut Strachu have been one of my favorite musical crushes this year, but I've sadly been unable to collect almost any of their discography. Hopefully soon that will be fixed soon when I get my online ordering back on track, and I'll have a lot more interesting things to post. But, the noisecore God's gifted me with the perfect tape for me right now. This is a promo/compilation tape that Noise Not War Records put out a month or so ago. Limited to 100 copies on clear tapes. 

I guess this was mainly meant to be sold/given out for their stint at Obscene Extreme Fest this year. Rado, one of the vocalists/noise makers in $mS very generously sent this tape from the leftovers. For any beginner to Sedem Minut Strachu, this tape is a perfect entry into a large chunk of their recordings. Mostly sticking to records and tapes put out in the past year. Like the "Overmassonanizationated Twist" 5" and Percy Jerk-Off split 7" lathes, and the split with Castration Rite. All of them are kicking the shit out of everything. Consistent, fantastic, no-fi, aggressive recordings with monster drums that I've played over and over many times in the past. There are also pre-released sides for upcoming splits with Paranoia, Noiseattack, and a split lathe with Deche Charge (!!). The later being basement-quality, bass rumble attack. A fittingly old-school sound and homage and another complete disregard for trying to create anything musical. I love it so much.

I dig the very minimal layout on the tape. it looks like a real deal, well, promotional item. The 7MON worshiping logo is so shameless, it looks so good. I think there actually is a Sedem Minut Strachu/Seven Minutes Of Nausea split coming out sometime, wouldn't that be something? Sadly, no hints of that are on this tape. Or the splits with De Blenders and PTAO, which are some of my personal favorite SMS recording. Oh well. Noise Not War did a very good job with the dubbing, thankfully. 

I cannot wait to hear everything else this band makes in the future. 


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